Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anne: Having a voice

Today has been an interesting day particulary because I spent a lot of time hearing about a freedom fighter from the 50s and 60s. He spent most of his teenage years and twenties fighting against a government that he did not agree with. He spent numerous times in prisons and could have died fighting for a Bolivia that he believed in. So, to make a long story short, I started thinking about speaking up for myself like he did. One thing I´ve learned here is that if you don´t speak the language you don´t have a voice. Either you don´t speak at all or what you try to say gets lost in translation. This trip has taught me that knowing one language is not adequate for the world I want to live in. I enjoy speaking and sharing my ideas. I enjoy making connections with the new friends I´ve made. I want to learn more Spanish to be a better communicator.

Also, the other way I want to share finding a voice is through speaking up for what you or I believe in. It doesn´t have to be through freedom fighting, but can be from simply knowing what you want and going for it. I´ve spent too much time sitting back and observing. I want to take charge and do something for my community and/or society. That is how I want to find my voice. I know it´s random, but I felt that today was profound for me. =)

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